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Why Won’t My Furnace Kick On?

If you’re trying to turn on your furnace in Raleigh, but it just won’t kick on, there could be a few different issues. The severity of the issue depends on your answers to the questions listed below.

If you’re concerned about your furnace, call Air Experts or contact us online to schedule a service for your Raleigh, NC, home.

8 Questions To Ask if Your Furnace Won’t Kick On

1. Is the power on?

It might seem like common sense, but eliminate the easy things first. Even if your furnace runs on gas or propane, it still has electrical components that need a power supply to work. Check that the furnace’s power disconnect switch is turned on.

If it’s on, then check the wires to make sure none are corroded or eaten through by rodents. Wiring okay? Check the circuit breaker. If any of the circuits for the furnace have popped, reset them.

2. Is your thermostat working?

Thermostats can easily reset; even with a small power outage, the programming can be lost. So, check that it’s set to heat or auto. Then set the temperature to 5 to 10 degrees warmer than your home’s temperature and see if it kicks on.

3. Is the pilot light on?

Even modern furnaces can have a pilot light, and it doesn’t always take much for it go out. A minor interruption in the gas or propane line means it will need to be relit.

You can do this yourself, or if it makes you uncomfortable, call Air Experts to diagnose and repair your furnace.

4. Is the air filter clean?

When your furnace’s filter is dirty, the furnace will automatically shut off if it’s at risk of overheating. Changing your filter is regular maintenance, and easy to do. Simply follow your manual for instructions.

5. Is the green light blinking?

At this point, if everything you’ve checked is working as it should, you can determine whether you should call Air Experts.

Look inside your furnace control panel. You should be able to see a blinking green light. If the light isn’t blinking green, but blinking red or not blinking at all, make the call. It usually means you have an issue with your blower or some other component part has failed.

However, if you can see a green blinking light, then continue with the checklist.

6. Is there fuel there?

You can check the fuel supply if your furnace uses gas or propane. You can check to see if the gas control valve to your furnace is open and that your propane tank is full. If you suspect a problem with the gas line, don’t try to fix it yourself. Call your gas company to have it checked out.

7. Is the water reservoir dry?

Furnaces have drain pans to collect the moisture the furnace removes from the air. When the reservoir is full with water, however, the furnace will shut off.

You can easily drain the pan. Then, check that the drain isn’t clogged, and make sure to wash your hands well: The water in your reservoir contains acid.

8. Is the float switch down?

If your furnace has a pump, check the float switch. When it’s stuck in the up position, the furnace won’t work. You can hold it down for a few seconds, and if it’s stuck, the furnace will turn on in a minute or so.

Call Air Experts for Furnace Repair in Raleigh & Surrounding Areas

If you’ve answered all the questions above, but your furnace still won’t kick on, don’t worry.

Contact Air Experts to schedule furnace repairs in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, or surrounding areas of North Carolina.

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