Should I Repair or Replace My Air Conditioner?
When your air conditioner stops working, one of the first things you find yourself asking is whether or not you need a new one. The investment on a new air conditioner is a large one, but sometimes it is the most cost-effective option. At Air Experts Heating & Cooling, we guarantee your comfort and your utility savings, and that’s why we want you to know when replacement or repair is the right choice.
Determine Your Goal
Is your goal to simply remain comfortable, or is it to reduce your energy consumption? At Air Experts, we guarantee at least 30% savings on your heating and cooling costs when we recommend replacement. This means you can be confident that you will see savings if we guide you towards replacement.
Consider the Cost of the Repair
Next, consider how much the repair will cost. If you’re going to put over $1,000 into your system, and the system is 10 or more years old, you’ll probably end up saving in the long run by replacing. If the repair is only a few hundred dollars, you can buy yourself some time by repairing.
Consider Your Overall Comfort
How well is your system cooling your home? Do you have uneven cooling? Does the system struggle to keep up? If your home isn’t comfortable, repair may not help. Talk to your HVAC technician about whether or not replacement would improve your home’s comfort.
Consider the Age of the Unit
Finally, consider how old your unit is. Air conditioners have a typical lifespan of around 15 years, and if yours is nearing that time, replacement is going to be the best solution. You’ll get more time and better efficiency with a new, more modern system.
Get the Expert’s Opinion on AC Repair vs. AC Replacement
When it comes to determining whether or not to replace your system, you really need the insight of an air conditioning expert. Contact Air Experts today to discuss your goals and your cooling needs, and let us help you determine if you need a repair or replacement to keep your home comfortable and efficient.