Simple HVAC Maintenance Tasks to Reduce Springtime Allergens Indoors
HVAC maintenance is often overlooked when the heating and cooling system seems to be running well. Just because your system’s running doesn’t mean it’s clean, though. The air in your home carries dust, pollen, mold spores, pet dander and other allergens that can build up in your HVAC system. Around Raleigh, smog is another threat. Properly maintaining your system results in fewer allergens and lung-irritants in your home.
HVAC Maintenance Tips
Upgrade Filters
One-inch disposable fiberglass filters won’t improve your indoor air quality. If you have allergies, get a filter with a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 7 or higher. American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology experts recommend filters with MERVs of 11 or 12 for people with allergies. These are usually pleated filters rather than the standard flat panel models.
Change Filters Regularly
Over time, air filters develop a buildup of debris. If the filter becomes too dirty, chunks of debris can break loose and re-enter your air. A dirty filter also impairs airflow, increasing your fan motor’s workload and running up your energy bills in the process. At worst, the filter may blow out of the holder, leaving your system unprotected.
Standard disposable filters need to be changed monthly during the heating and cooling season. A pleated filter can remain efficient for three months or longer, but you’ll still need to remove the filter once a month and check its condition. If you see a layer of dust and debris on the filter, it’s time for a new one.
For expert help with your HVAC maintenance, contact us at Air Experts in Raleigh, Holly Springs, Durham, Fuqua-Varina, and the surrounding area.
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