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10 Things You Can Do To Improve the Air Quality in Your Living Room

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There are tons of pollutants such as dust, pollen, mold, and pet dander lurking in your home’s most familiar nooks, such as the dog’s favorite lounge pillow. That’s why we’ve compiled these 10 tips to improve the air quality in your living room: 

  1. Choose vinyl and leather furniture. Not only do leather and vinyl make for modern and stylish choices, but they are also hypoallergenic and absorb less harmful pollutants, such as pet dander, dust mites, and pollen. Choosing vinyl or leather furniture can help keep allergy flareups and asthma attacks under control and improve overall indoor air quality.
  2. Hang blinds or washable curtains. Blinds and curtains are an example of natural ventilation techniques that can include indoor air quality. These items reduce pollutants indoors by creating a barrier to the outside space and acting as a filter for dust and other irritants. Some curtains and blinds are even specially designed to purify the air they come into contact with.
  3. Don’t smoke in the house or use your fireplace if possible. Many studies have indicated that homes with fireplaces, wood-burning stoves, and other such heating/cooking solutions have higher levels of indoor air pollutants no matter the quality of the fixture. And it is well known that tobacco smoke is made up of thousands of harmful, carcinogenic chemicals terrible for your respiratory health when left hanging out in the air.
  4. Limit throw pillows. More throw pillows mean more fabric, which means more opportunities for indoor air pollutants to stick around. Embrace minimalism!
  5. Clean up clutter. Again, less stuff – less pollution. Simple principle.
  6. Use washable area rugs. And, wash them weekly! Even if you can’t see dust or dirt and the fabric looks clean, regular washing reduces indoor pollutants.
  7. Remove scented candles and potpourri. Candles are another source of smoke pollutants. They aren’t good for the lungs and take oxygen out of the air, disrupting our respiratory systems. Furthermore, the strong scents in some candles and potpourri can cause asthma attacks and allergy flareups.
  8. Replace carpets with solid flooring with low volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as hardwood. The overarching goal is to give air pollutants as little as possible to grab onto, reducing their ability to hang around. Cutting down on vacuuming is a secondary bonus benefit!
  9. Use a certified asthma & allergy-friendly air cleaner. Air Experts carries several top-of-the-line air cleaning models to keep your air clean.
  10. Call the Air Experts! 

Get Help from the Pros at Air Experts! 

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  • Unparalleled comfort
  • No frustration (or we pay you $500)
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  • Installation on the date you choose (or we pay you $500)
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Call the Air Experts at 919 – 480 – 2727 or contact us online today to learn more about how you can improve your indoor air quality.

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