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HVAC Tips & Tricks


What Are Evaporator and Condenser Coils and How Do They Help Cool Your Home?

Given the Raleigh area’s hot summers, you probably know some basic facts about your air conditioner, but do you know how the evaporator and condenser coils operate? If the inner workings of your AC are a mystery to you, you’ll benefit from learning a few technical details about how your cooling system does its job. No matter how much your air conditioner operates, it’s important to perform routine AC maintenance…

Two young students studying at their desk in school.

Press Release: Revisiting the Clean Air, Sharp Minds Act

One year ago, on Feb. 27, 2020, Senator Cory Booker and Representative Katherine Clark introduced the Clean Air, Sharp Minds Act. The proposed act would have given schools a three-year grant to help them improve indoor air quality (IAQ). The grant would allow schools in high-pollution areas or those that pose a severe health and safety threat to install commercial air filters. We call on Congress to once again take…

How to Prepare Your Home for Fall and Winter

As cool weather approaches, it’s important to take a weekend or two to address seasonal maintenance for your Raleigh, North Carolina, home. A few smart preventive tasks now can help you to prepare your home to stay safe and comfortable throughout the fall and winter months ahead. Clean the Gutters All that gorgeous fall foliage can wreak havoc on your gutters. Keep them clean to prevent serious winter problems when…

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Duct & Furnace Noises Can Cause Concern, But Not All Mean Trouble

It can be unsettling to wake up to strange pops and whistles on cold nights in your North Carolina home, but it’s not an uncommon occurrence in forced air HVAC systems. Duct and furnace noise may occur at any time, particularly right after a professional duct cleaning. The good news is that it’s rarely a sign of ductwork damage or other problems, but the duct and furnace noise can be…


A/C Replacement Research: Compare First Costs With Lifetime Costs

Finding an appropriate replacement cooling system for your home requires conducting research into factors such as system quality, energy efficiency and — above all — costs. Here’s some insight into how to compare first costs with lifetime costs to see the price you’ll pay for your A/C replacement now and in the future. First Costs In terms of an A/C replacement, first costs are those expenses that are necessary to…

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Busted: The Truth Behind 5 HVAC Myths

Your heating and cooling system is an essential component of your Raleigh home that helps ensure comfort throughout the year. While you should rely on a professional for more complex repairs, it’s still important to understand the basics of how it works. Relying on inaccurate myths could result in some costly mistakes and even damage your system. Myth 1: Fans Lower the Temperature in Your Home It’s important to understand…

Woman hot and fanning herself

6 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Air Conditioner

An efficient air conditioner is an important feature in your Raleigh home. If you’re not enjoying peak home comfort and a reasonable energy bill, it’s time to evaluate your air conditioner and consider a new model. Look for these prime signs that a new system is on the horizon. You Home Isn’t Cool Enough If your home isn’t cool enough for your comfort needs, there are two likely causes. The…

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Geothermal Heat Pumps: Exploring The Future of Energy Efficiency

If you’re ready to consider an HVAC upgrade for your Raleigh home, a geothermal heat pump may offer the perfect solution. Though this technology isn’t as widely known as other options, it offers an eco-friendly choice for maintaining your home comfort. Cut down on energy use and update your home with cutting-edge technology by adding a geothermal heat pump. How Geothermal Heat Pumps Work While air temperatures can fluctuate dramatically…

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5 Essential Steps for Improving Energy Efficiency in Your Home

You know the benefits of energy efficiency for both your wallet and the environment, but you’re not sure where to start. You’re not alone. There’s a dizzying array of options for lowering energy use in your Raleigh home. If you don’t know what to do first, these steps will put you on the right path. Get a Home Energy Audit The first step to minimizing your energy expenses is figuring…

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3 Thermostat Problems That Impede Home Cooling and What to Do About Them

If your air home’s conditioner isn’t working properly, the thermostat is the first place to start troubleshooting. The thermostat is the nerve center of your home’s cooling system. If the thermostat is worn out or not set correctly, it can cause problems with the air conditioner, which you might think are more serious than they really are. Three common A/C problems can be caused by a faulty thermostat or incorrect…

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