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Take Control of Household Dust to Improve IAQ

The indoor air quality (IAQ) of your home can be affected by many factors, but one of the most common is dust. Dust is all around us, made of small particles of dirt, fibers, and even dead skin cells. Too much dust in your home can significantly reduce IAQ, making allergies, asthma and respiratory issues worse. Here are some ways you can reduce the effects of dust and improve IAQ throughout your home.

Conduct Regular Cleanings


Make it a habit to thoroughly clean your home regularly. Once a week should be the minimum, but if your home is subject to significant exposure to dirt and dust, it could be necessary to clean more often. Cleanings should include vacuuming carpets and rugs, sweeping hard floor surfaces and dusting shelves. Make sure to use a vacuum with an effective agitator to loosen dust and dirt in the carpet.

Change HVAC System Filters

The air filters in the furnace, heat pump or air conditioner should be changed regularly to ensure continued filtration of dust and particulates. Filters should be checked monthly and changed if they’re dirty. More frequent changes could be necessary if your indoor environment has a lot of dust and particulates in the air.

Change Bedding Weekly

Beds are a prime source for dust creation, so you should change your bedding at least once a week. Blankets, sheets, pillowcases and other bedding should be washed thoroughly to remove dust and particulates.

Apply Effective Cleaning Techniques

Avoid using dry cloths or cleaning tools that aren’t effective. Damp cleaning cloths and mop heads with an electrostatic charge will attract dust and remove it. Feather dusters and the like will only move dust around, not pick it up. Be cautious when using furniture polishes or cleaning sprays that might leave a residue.

For more information on how dust affects indoor air quality and how to improve IAQ, check out Air Experts’ indoor air quality solutions, or call 919-480-2727.

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