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Why Is Changing the Furnace Filter Regularly So Important for the HVAC System?

Changing the furnace filter seems like such a mundane chore, but in reality, it’s one of the most important tasks you can do for your HVAC system. If you don’t do it, you’ll pay the price in many ways.


Changing the Furnace Filter Matters


Your HVAC system sends air flowing through ductwork to heat and cool your home. For air to blow out of the system, it needs air coming in through the air return vents and ducts.

The furnace filter in your HVAC system captures dust before it enters the equipment. This helps keep the inside of the ducts and the HVAC equipment clean.

If You Don’t Change the Furnace Filter…

  • It prevents the free flow of air into the system. This causes the blower to have to work much harder to keep your home comfortable. That will cost you in higher energy costs, more repairs, and a shorter equipment life span.
  • A clogged furnace filter won’t capture the dust going into the ductwork, and the dust will start coating the components of the equipment. This makes the entire system less efficient, which translates to higher energy use. It can also shorten the life of the system parts, upping repair costs.
  • Furnace filters stand as a barrier against indoor air pollutants. If the filter is clogged, it can’t capture any of the pollen, dust or mold spores that may be floating around in your air. This leads to poor indoor air quality, making it harder to breathe and triggering allergy and asthma attacks.

Learn more from Air Experts about changing furnace filter, as well your filtration options, or contact us today at 919-480-2727 to schedule an appointment!

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