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Air Filter Replacement: The First Step in Improving Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality


For many home owners, air filters for their heating and cooling systems are “out of sight, out of mind,” so they don’t change the filters. However, neglecting this important task will lead to decreased air quality and other issues. Here are five reasons to change your air filter as a regular household task:

  1. Your family’s health will suffer with a dirty air filter. When mold, dust, and dander are recirculated through your home, allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues are aggravated.
  2. Dirty air filters cause the rest of the HVAC system to get clogged with dust, dirt, and grime faster. Having the motors, fans, and ductwork cleaned professionally, or worse, having to replace the units entirely, is an expensive venture that can easily be avoided with regular air filter replacement.
  3. When an air filter is dirty, airflow into your HVAC’s air handler is restricted. This can cause the fan motor to overheat, and eventually burn out, due to unnecessary strain. In fact, a clogged air filter is the number one reason for heating and cooling system failure.
  4. You are also paying more in energy bills with a dirty air filter. The fan motor will have to work harder, which means it is consuming more energy. Air filter replacement is a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to lower your energy costs.
  5. Consuming more energy by running the units with dirty filters means having a larger carbon footprint. Be environmentally responsible by paying attention to regular air filter maintenance.

When Should I Replace My Air Filter?

How often air filters need to be replaced depends on the make and model of the unit you own, as well as the type of filter being used. A good rule of thumb, however, is once every three months. Homes with pets or family members with allergies should change more frequently. Consult your owner’s manual to determine a good schedule and purchase filters in bulk at your local hardware store to make the task more convenient.

For more helpful advice about air filter replacement, as well as other tips for maintaining your HVAC system, please visit Air Experts website or call us today.

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