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3 Ways You May Be Sabotaging Lower Energy Bills in Your Raleigh Home

Most homeowners in North Carolina are worried about high energy bills, especially during the heating season. There are many ways to lower energy bills in your home, but you may be making simple mistakes that sabotage any efforts to conserve. Here are a few common home energy use mistakes that could be keeping you from having lower energy bills this winter:


Clearing Air Vents

Many homeowners forget about their home’s air vents, covering them with furniture, drapes, or boxes. However, ensuring that your air vents are exposed can help you save a lot of money on heating and cooling costs. Blocked vents can overwork your HVAC system, wasting energy and keeping the house from heating and cooling evenly. Similarly, it is a myth that homeowners can save money by blocking off the vents in unused rooms during the winter, as this will also put undue strain on your furnace, using more energy in the process.

Thermostat Maintenance

Thermostats are incredibly useful, but many homeowners forget that they can really only read the temperature directly near them, which can be affected by a number of variables. Keep your thermostat out of direct sunlight and away from direct drafts or anything that produces heat or cold air. A thermostat that is in an area with an unusual or inconsistent temperature isn’t very good at keeping your home comfortable, and may overwork your furnace due to inaccurate readings.

Air Filters

Most HVAC systems have built-in air filters to trap particles and keep the heating and cooling mechanisms, as well as ducts, clean. These filters can become a major liability if they get clogged, however, and can overwork or damage your furnace and air conditioner. Remember to change your filter at least four times each year, and invest in high-quality filters. HEPA filters trap more dust and dirt than their lower-cost counterparts, and can extend the life of your system while also improving your indoor air quality.

Contact Air Experts today for more professional advice on achieving lower energy bills in your Raleigh-area home. We’ve been serving central North Carolina for over 25 years!

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